· What do I want to write about?
o A Pastiche
§ The unique writing style of Camus interests me. Moreover, it gives me the opportunity to write in a different way than I have been accustomed to.
§ Fill in a scene that I believed was missing or would’ve been interesting
· A cross examination of one of the characters
· Or a scene with the protagonist and Marie
· Necessary steps to be able to write a good Pastiche
o Re-read the entire book once more (makes it a total of two times
§ Highlight important passages that illustrate Camus’ writing
§ Analyze the difference between his writing in the first part as oppose to the second one.
· Decided which one suits me best
o Read secondary sources
§ Might help me further understand why the author writes the way he does
· Research
o This may be the most important part of the process upon which my World Lit paper will be written
§ I need to know the author’s life inside out, understand what pushed him to write the book the way he did
§ Or even why he chose this topic
· Read autobiographies as well as secondary sources that analyze Camus’s character.
o Also, if given the time I will read the book in French. Fortunately, the language in which the text is originally written is one I know.
§ This will help see the ‘exact’ structure and method Camus wrote the book. Often vital information is lost in translation, and I will merely make sure of the fact that I didn’t miss anything important.
o Recognizing the history of the time period in which this book was written may be of great importance
§ Comprehend the history of France during the time at which the book takes place as well as when it was written
· The Specific Structure of the World Lit Paper
o Make a vivid outline in bullet points (very similar to this one) where all the ideas are clearly explained.
§ The evidence should be good and so should the writing, the only thing missing should be the transition between the ideas and paragraphs
o Come up with a thesis statement.
§ Once that my examples are laid out and I know what my main points will be, I will construct my thesis statement
· It should clearly state what my paper will be about and should relate to all my main ideas
o I’ll keep on polishing the thesis statement until it fulfills the requirements provided above
o Put the bullet point form into ‘essay form’
§ Figure out in which orders the ideas should be
§ Include the transition between ideas
o Read my essay over and over
§ Need to be sure that my essay demonstrates EXACTLY what I want to say
§ Make corrections as they are deemed necessary
o Write the conclusion
§ Once I’ve made sure that my essay articulates exactly what I want it to, I’ll write the conclusion
o Read my highlights in the book again
§ This is to make sure that the evidence that is used in my paper was the best choice
o Read, read, and read…
§ Every sentence should flow well
§ Read the paper multiple times out-loud
· To make sure everything makes sense, no words are missing, and the necessary pauses are there
· Give yourself a break
o Take some time off the paper and then go back to it
§ Edit as much as possible until you are left with a smile on your face and are proud of your paper!